Wednesday, June 27, 2007

iPhone. Heard of it?

     The build up of hype for the upcoming iPhone is staggering. People are already lining up in New York to get one. Apple of course, is well versed on how to arouse the market. Especially fervent fanboys.

    The vitriol that gets spewed by some of the supposed journalists out in the ether-nets, against Apple and its products is astounding. These people have not held the product or even seen one, yet they rain all over the parade of anyone who admits an interest.
    It all started anew with the release of Safari 3 for Windows. Bloggers began shouting to the rooftops that Safari had bugs and was not secure. OMG, really!? A beta has bugs? and software that runs on Windows has security issues. Many people claimed that it did not display "tons" of websites correctly, although only one person posted one website that did not work., by the way.
    Then when Apple releases an update they complain that Apple did not fix all the issues at once. Like waiting another week to do them all, was a better idea.
    With equal bias of course are the rabid Apple fans, who ignore all debate and pump the hype up so big that the only outcome will be disappointment.
    The few, or I should say 3 people that got the iPhone in advance in order to review, were hand-picked by Apple. Walt Mossberg of the Wall$treet Journal, David Pogue of the New York Times and Edward C. Baig from USA today. Apple picked brilliantly. The reviews were not total love fests, they were honest. However, each reviewer gave the phone the time to make a real impression on them. I value their ability to be fair. Walt seemed to be underwhelmed but lauded the advances over traditional devices. David has great delivery and his podcast is very entertaining and informative. Edward's piece was extremely positive, but still doled out criticism where it was due.
    After all this do I still want one? You bet your bippy. On Friday will I cancel my T-Mobile, throw away my Nokia 6600 and put $600 down. Not likely. Someday. When iPhone 2G with 3G comes out.

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